Tuesday, March 15, 2016


  • The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world, with even newborn babies being taller than most humans.
  • Baby Giraffes can stand within half an hour and after only 10 hours can actually run next to their family.
  • Giraffes spend most of their lives standing up; they sometimes sleep and have babies standing up.
  • Giraffes only spend 10 minutes and 2 hours asleep per day. They have one of the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal.
  • Young giraffes hang out in nursery groups until they are around 5 months old, sleeping eating and playing together while their mothers forage in the distance.
  • Giraffes are sociable, peaceful animals which rarely fight. Males do perform a behaviour called ‘necking’ where they will hit necks; however these encounters rarely last more than a couple of minutes and seldom result in injury.
  • Just like snowflakes and human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same spot pattern.
  • Even giraffes tongues are big. They are up to 45cm long and have adapted  to allow giraffes to eat tall leaves on trees that other animals would avoid, such as acacias which are very thorny.
  • In New Age religion the giraffe is a symbol for intuition and flexibility.
The name Giraffe Camelopardalis means ‘one who walks quickly, a camel marked like a leopard’.